Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day One

Princess is officially a schoolgirl and loving every minute of it. She has two new friends and both of their names start with M so she is having a little trouble keeping them straight while telling me what they did at recess. Although she is a little worried because one of her new friends doesn’t like to swing so recess has been problematic. Did I mention you get to go to recess three times in kindergarten? Princess has reminded me of this fact many, many times.

Yesterday Dear Husband and I took Princess to school and got her situated. We looked around her room, gave her a hug and kiss, and left. She didn’t seem to care much when we left and there wasn’t a trace of a tear. In fact all the kids seemed to be ok when their parents headed out.

This morning on the way to school she told me her teacher writes the number of the day of the school year on the board every morning so today would be two. Then Princess asked me how many days of school there was this year. I told her about 180. She was ecstatic. I hope she can keep up this level of enthusiasm for the rest of her education.

Flower is taking school better than I expected, but that’s just Flower. She really wants to go to school with Princess, but once we get to daycare she heads to the playroom. I think she’s secretly enjoying being the “big” girl because she’s the second oldest now and Princess isn’t there to boss her around all day.

I think I am adjusting to school. The evenings have been a little chaotic this week but our mornings have gone very well so I can’t complain. We have packed our lunches, laid out our clothes, and planned breakfast at night. Hopefully we won’t fall of the organization wagon after the first week of school.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Two weeks.....

until Princess goes to kindergarten. Where did the time go? Wanda, Auntie A and Auntie C, you'll be saying the same thing. Soon.

We finally got the school supply list on Saturday. Luckily school supplies were still on sale and we got everything we needed for around $10. The girls each got a new pair of tennis shoes and our school shopping was over. Princess could use some clothes but she won't wear anything besides a couple pair of shorts and tees. The girl has been wearing the same 4 pair of undies for two years. They are finally starting to fall apart at the seams. Do you think she will wear new undies? Oh no. Princess is going to be very unhappy when she finds them in the garbage but I can't let her wear holey underwear any longer.

Tomorrow we have a doctor appointment for Princess to get her shots. That should be fun. At least Flower will be with us to provide entertainment. Flower will probably volunteer to take the shots for Princess.

On the home front, Flower's cough came back in full force. I am going to see if the doctor has any ideas because mucinex isn't working. Princess woke up with a bloodshot eye and stuffy nose this morning. Her eye is better tonight, but still a little red so we will see what the doctor says about that tomorrow as well. It better not be pink eye.

Tomorrow night is our last swimming lesson. The girls loved swimming and did really well. Much better than expected. Princess didn't have any problems putting her face under water and holding her breath. Flower did everything the teacher asked and sat on the step and listened...unlike the two other 3-yr old girls in our class. This weekend we have a couple day trips planned; one for Dear Husband's work and one to see Auntie A, Uncle L and the twins. That's about it. Have a good week.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Oops! I guess I missed July. My apologies to my 3 readers. If we had gone on a family vacation to Europe or something I would have an excuse, but we didn't. We did some stuff, nothing really exciting, but stuff none the less.

Auntie A and the twins came to visit
10 days at grandma and grandpa's with Auntie C and Cousin H
Yard work
Bannack Days
Swimming lessons
Aunt K and Cousins B & S came for a short visit
Kiddie day at a local nursery
State Fair

That is all that comes to mind. Flower had a fever for a few days, something viral. Princess had a cold and gave it to me a couple weeks ago. I think I'm almost over it. DH has been out of town a couple times for work. That sums up July. I'll try to do better in August.