Saturday, September 27, 2008

We Did It!

Just in case you were waiting with bated breath....I wanted to let you know the cake turned out great! Princess loved it and is still trying to figure out where exactly the cake is. We'll wait to lift her skirt up until tonight.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wish Us Luck

Princess had a lovely birthday. Pizza, rice crispie treat cake, and gifts with her Nana and Great Grandma (and us of course). Tomorrow is the big bash at a local kiddie attraction for all her friends. Her aunt and uncle from Denver are flying in late tonight for the occasion. After the party we're having dinner with the family at Nana and Papa's house and we are in charge of the cake.

Princess is all about Barbie and princesses these days so what could be better than a Barbie birthday cake. It sounded like a good idea last week, but after I've made two trips to a cake decoration store, spent $30 and found a lovely picture online to copy, I'm a little apprehensive. Her daddy and I made a pretty awesome candy land cake last year so we have a reputation to uphold. I hope this doesn't flop. Keep your fingers crossed and wish us luck!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess!

Today is Princess' 4th birthday. It never ceases to amaze me how fast they grow up. I remember when I was expecting Princess, the most common words of advice I received were "Enjoy them while they are little, they grow up fast" and I underestimated the truth in that statement. It seems like just yesterday we brought this tiny, helpless baby home from the hospital and our lives changed immensely. No more lounging around on the weekends and staying up late watching movies. We had a baby to take care of and activities we use to enjoy took a back seat to Princess.

Now we have Flower who loves her big sister and mimics Princess' every move. They sing, they dance, they chase each other around the house and feed the dog way too many treats. They seem to be friends and I hope they grow up to be the best of friends.

Today finds me feeling a bit nostalgic, or even sad. Being a mom of only 4 years I still consider myself somewhat of a novice. This is only my 5th birthday so maybe it will get easier to see them grow up but I have a feeling it won't. Princess isn't a baby anymore, some days I think she's started adolescence with her attitude. I already miss the baby stuff. Then again Princess is an incredibly sweet and considerate little girl when she wants to be and I thoroughly enjoy every moment. Luckily Flower is still little but I know she'll be going to school before I know it. I know we have lots of things to look forward to….heck, there's a lot of shopping that will need to be done….but today part of me misses my babies.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dancing Queen

I'm glad nobody is reading this because I haven't posted anything in the last two weeks. We haven't done anything exciting, but it seems we're always busy.

Flower's head healed quite nicely. She didn't enjoy the staple removal, but the nurse was quick and the cut looks great. Even if it leaves a scar her hair will cover it up so no worries. Flower is also teething. Again. She's been up a lot at night so hopefully her molar will make an appearance soon so we can all get some sleep.

Princess started dance class two weeks ago and it's not going as well as I'd hoped. She loves to dance. She dances everywhere. Around the house. At the grocery store. Anywhere, especially if there is music. If there is no music she sings as she glides around the room. So I thought, dance class, she'll love it. Boy was I wrong….very, very, wrong. I'm not sure exactly where things went bad, but the other night Princess informed us she was never, ever going back to the dance studio. End of discussion.

I knew it would be an uphill battle due to Princess's aversion to tights, and leotards, and ballet slippers, all of which are meant to fit snugly and she is all about loose fitting apparel. But, when she saw all the other little girls dancing around the room she put on her leotard and tights (the slippers were not part of the deal) and went into class. She wouldn't join the class, which was in the middle of stretching, but I figured getting dressed was a good start. About ten minutes into class she leaned over and said, "Mommy, I'm not going to dance until they turn on the music" and she wasn't joking. As soon as the teacher started the music she got up and join the class. She danced around the room grinning from ear to ear. I smiled too.

Last week didn't go as well. To make a long story short, there were a couple little girls in the class who didn't want to participate and unfortunately we were stuck next to them in the hall. After a few seconds of pleading to go home and some loud sobbing from another little girl, Princess was beginning to have second thoughts as well. We went into class and Princess almost let me leave the room (parents are suppose to watch from the viewing window), but the sobbing from the other little girl worried her and she decided to sit it out again. Princess was interested in class and was stretching on the floor next to me for a while, but eventually quit because she couldn't hear the teacher's instructions over the sobbing from the little girl and prodding from the other mother. I was starting to feel bad for the little girl because she was clearly not going to dance class that night, and her mother was not getting it.

Finally, after a good ten minutes of crying, the teacher told the mothers she had to close the door, which meant we had to leave the room. Princess panicked and clung to my arm so we went home…..danceless. Princess cried most of the way home and never wants to go back. I'm disappointed. I know she would enjoy dance class immensely if she would just give it a try. I understand her angst. I'm the exact same way in some situations. I prefer to learn by example. I don't blame her for wanting to watch class for a minute before joining. Now my task is to figure how what to do this week. I don't want to push her because she doesn't respond well to being forced into things; I've learned that lesson in the past. On the other hand, I don't want to give up too easily. Maybe I should just cut my losses….or maybe I'll give it one more try. This week dance class is on her 4th birthday. I might bribe her with a trip to Dairy Queen if she'll just go watch the class one more time before we drop out. There's always next year, right?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Quick Trip to the ER

Just a quick post to let you know I haven't given up on this blog yet. It's been busy around here. My sister and 9 week old niece from Arizona paid us a visit last week so we've been gone a lot. We're all exhausted so I hope things settle down soon. I'll post some photos of the girls soon.

In other news, Flower made her first visit to the Emergency Room (we actually went to the new Urgent Care, which are the exact same place....the only difference I found was my insurance co-pay.....$15 for Urgent Care and $50 for the ER but they are located in the exact same place....same registration desk.....same everything....go figure) today. She took a fall at daycare as soon as I dropped her off this morning and cut the back of her head open. Two staples later she's as good as new. The little trooper only cried once....when I had to pry the sucker out of her sticky little hand to put her coat on to leave. Ouch!