Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess!

Today is Princess' 4th birthday. It never ceases to amaze me how fast they grow up. I remember when I was expecting Princess, the most common words of advice I received were "Enjoy them while they are little, they grow up fast" and I underestimated the truth in that statement. It seems like just yesterday we brought this tiny, helpless baby home from the hospital and our lives changed immensely. No more lounging around on the weekends and staying up late watching movies. We had a baby to take care of and activities we use to enjoy took a back seat to Princess.

Now we have Flower who loves her big sister and mimics Princess' every move. They sing, they dance, they chase each other around the house and feed the dog way too many treats. They seem to be friends and I hope they grow up to be the best of friends.

Today finds me feeling a bit nostalgic, or even sad. Being a mom of only 4 years I still consider myself somewhat of a novice. This is only my 5th birthday so maybe it will get easier to see them grow up but I have a feeling it won't. Princess isn't a baby anymore, some days I think she's started adolescence with her attitude. I already miss the baby stuff. Then again Princess is an incredibly sweet and considerate little girl when she wants to be and I thoroughly enjoy every moment. Luckily Flower is still little but I know she'll be going to school before I know it. I know we have lots of things to look forward to….heck, there's a lot of shopping that will need to be done….but today part of me misses my babies.

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