Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Goodbye 1989

I need to clean out my closet. Homestead and I have discussed this over the years. She is a much better purger than I.

When I got home tonight Flower followed me upstairs to change my clothes. She looked in my closet and pulled out an old swimsuit. I wore that suit in high school. I loved that swimsuit. It was the first, and one of the only, swimsuits that has ever fit properly. It is over 20 years old. Why do I still have it in my closet? It's two (or more) sizes too small and 1989 neon pink.

Flower asked me what it was. I told her it was an old swimsuit that is too small. She gave me a confused look and told me to throw it in the garbage. So we did. If she was a couple feet taller I would have her go through my other closet.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Painting the Playroom

Princess: Daddy, can I paint?

Princess: Daddy, can I paint?

Princess: Daddy, it doesn't look that hard, why can't I paint?

Princess: Daddy, can I paint now?

Princess: Daddy, why can't I paint?

Princess: PLEASE!!!!!

Princess's pleading continued for what seemed like forever so Daddy finally gave in and let her paint the small wall between the door and the closet. She was ecstatic. We painted this color in case you are wondering and it turned out very nice. Daddy is a fantastic painter.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Road Trip

Last Friday the girls and I headed north to visit Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, and Great Great Aunt E. There were a lot of greats in that sentence.

Grandpa had surgery on his foot two weeks ago so we thought he might need some entertainment. Flower was perfect for the job.

No more than 30 minutes after we arrived Flower was unpacking our bag to find her blanket and woof-woof. She covered Grandpa up with her blanket and tucked him in with woof-woof. Wouldn't it be nice if everything could be made better with a soft blanket and stuffed animal?

Flower spent the weekend following Grandpa around the house with his bag of ice and pillow. She checked on him every so often to make sure he was OK. Flower was on a mission to make sure Grandpa was without a want. I think nursing may be in her future.

We had a nice weekend. We hung around the house, went out for lunch, and raided Great Grandma’s stash of cookies. Uncle S and Aunt S came for dinner and brought microwave popcorn (in a bucket since the theatre is closed for the winter) and sweetest (Swedish) fish.

As I type the snow is falling and it’s a bit chilly. I’m glad I decided to take a road trip last weekend.

Bad Blogger

Auntie C just reminded me I haven't posted anything in two weeks. Oops. I've thought about it. I have lots of stories bouncing around in my head to share, but no motivation.

Work has been unbelievably busy for the last two months. My office is never...slow, boring, dull...pick your favorite adjective, but lately busy has taken on a entirely new meaning.

Then there is all the other stuff. A baby shower, painting Flower's old bedroom and making it a playroom, Keilie dog's knee surgery, a road trip to the north country, music class, etc. I have stories....I'll try to compose something post-worthy.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Miracle Morning

Yesterday I had a lot of stops to make on the way to work. Drop Flower off at daycare, Keilie dog at the vet, and take Princess to school. Dear Husband has been out of town all week so I’ve been on my own.

My alarm was set for 5:15 AM because I am the slowest person in the world when it comes to getting ready in the morning. Auntie C can attest to this. I don’t know why I am so slow, but I have been that way since I can remember. I prepare and pack as many things as possible the night before and it still takes me almost two hours to get myself and the girls up and out the door in the morning. Why am I telling you this? Because I needed to leave the house by 7:15 AM yesterday morning and I could not be late.

I heard the girls’ bedroom door open yesterday morning. I heard their footsteps and the rattle of woof-woof. I didn’t move or open my eyes because it was not 5 AM yet, or so I thought. Flower came to my side of the bed and asked to get in with me. As I prepared to shoo both of the girls back to their own beds I opened my eyes and looked at my clock.

The last two digits said 16 and my first thought was “My alarm was set to go off one minute ago, I wonder why it didn’t?” Then I saw the digit preceding the 16. It was a six. OMG!!!

I shot out of bed, put the girls our my bed, turned on cartoons, and ran for the shower. Refer to paragraph one. It takes two hours to get us out the door and I have less than one hour. If that doesn’t get your blood pumping I don’t know what will.

To make a long story short, we made it. We left the house at 7:20 AM, only five minutes behind schedule. The girls ate breakfast in the pickup, which we do quite often. I didn’t get any coffee so I felt like a walking zombie after the adrenaline wore off, but overall we did really well.

Today I have been asking myself why does it take me two hours every morning to do what should only take one hour?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Keilie Dog

Well, she has done it again. I am beginning to think Keilie dog has a deal with our vet and she's getting kickbacks for every surgical procedure.

Keilie was scheduled for knee surgery today. In case you are counting, this will be her fifth surgery since Flower was born. FedEx didn't deliver the screws the vet needed to repair her knee this morning. Keilie spent the day at the clinic. Surgery was rescheduled for Tuesday.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vacation Is Over

Every year I get this depressed feeling on the first Sunday in January. Why, you ask? Because I have been off work for almost two weeks and tomorrow it's back to the salt mines.

Last year we had all the Christmas decorations put away and all the gifts tucked away in their new homes. For some reason this year we weren't as organized. Part of the reason is due to the nature of our gifts. For example, I received a new set of dishes. They are awesome and I love them. However, they are significantly larger than our old dishes so putting them away required a minor kitchen makeover.

I mentioned the girls are now sharing a room. This also took some reorganization which will be in progress for a while. The necessities like beds are done, but I still need to figure out where to keep all their clothes.

Today Dear Husband and I are driving the crib and changing table over to Auntie A's in-laws so they can take them to CO for the new babies. As we were loading up the furniture this morning I told DH I am excited to get an entire new room to house the tons of toys we seem to have accumulated. I think the girls will enjoy a new play room too. Maybe I can talk DH into painting next weekend :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Keep Up with the Jones'

Apparently Princess didn't want to be outdone by her little sister. She woke up with red itchy eyes New Years day. By lunchtime they were getting goopy. At least I have some drops leftover from Flower and we have a couple days before school starts again.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

I am going to start the New Year right and post something. I am sitting at the counter enjoying a cup of tea while looking around at the mess. There is a dead reindeer at my feet (Flower says it ran into another reindeer and died), My Little Pony pieces scattered about, a very sad dog laying at the top of the stairs, and random piles of Christmas decorations that need to be put away.

We spent the morning drinking coffee and watching the Rose Parade. The floats are amazing. The girls headed to the basement to jump on the trampoline. I have not been down to survey the mess yet and plan to ignore it....for today.

Princess woke up a bit congested this morning and her eyes are looking a little "off". I am not sure if she is getting pink eye or not. I guess we will see what the day brings.

Flower moved into Princess's bedroom two nights ago. She woke up twice each night but other than that things are going well. The first night it took them almost an hour to go to sleep. Last night they were very tired and went to sleep in less than ten minutes. I'm sure it was just a fluke.

We are planning to hang around the house today. Dear Husband and I might go skiing tonight with some friends. We are bringing in the new year in our usual quiet way.