Friday, January 8, 2010

The Miracle Morning

Yesterday I had a lot of stops to make on the way to work. Drop Flower off at daycare, Keilie dog at the vet, and take Princess to school. Dear Husband has been out of town all week so I’ve been on my own.

My alarm was set for 5:15 AM because I am the slowest person in the world when it comes to getting ready in the morning. Auntie C can attest to this. I don’t know why I am so slow, but I have been that way since I can remember. I prepare and pack as many things as possible the night before and it still takes me almost two hours to get myself and the girls up and out the door in the morning. Why am I telling you this? Because I needed to leave the house by 7:15 AM yesterday morning and I could not be late.

I heard the girls’ bedroom door open yesterday morning. I heard their footsteps and the rattle of woof-woof. I didn’t move or open my eyes because it was not 5 AM yet, or so I thought. Flower came to my side of the bed and asked to get in with me. As I prepared to shoo both of the girls back to their own beds I opened my eyes and looked at my clock.

The last two digits said 16 and my first thought was “My alarm was set to go off one minute ago, I wonder why it didn’t?” Then I saw the digit preceding the 16. It was a six. OMG!!!

I shot out of bed, put the girls our my bed, turned on cartoons, and ran for the shower. Refer to paragraph one. It takes two hours to get us out the door and I have less than one hour. If that doesn’t get your blood pumping I don’t know what will.

To make a long story short, we made it. We left the house at 7:20 AM, only five minutes behind schedule. The girls ate breakfast in the pickup, which we do quite often. I didn’t get any coffee so I felt like a walking zombie after the adrenaline wore off, but overall we did really well.

Today I have been asking myself why does it take me two hours every morning to do what should only take one hour?


Carlye said...

Maybe you should give yourself less time and give yourself some more time to sleep. It won't allow you to be slow if you don't have much time.

Homestead said...

I don't think it at all odd it takes you 2 hours. That's about what it takes me. But, then again, I've never been accused of being a morning person and I definitely don't break any land speed records....