Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still Here

Just another week around here. Princess picked up a little bug somewhere and spent Sunday and Monday on the couch with a fever. We made a trip to the doctor and ruled out strep.

The physical therapist we saw over two months ago to evaluate Flower's walking skills finally called to say the inserts had arrived. A little background. At Flower's 15 month check up I told her doctor I didn't think she was walking as well as she should be at that if I really knew how well she should be walking.....anyway, her doctor agreed but since she had only been walking for a month we decided to give her another month to see if things improved.

After a month, she was walking much better but still turning one foot out slightly. It was barely noticeable, but sometimes she would catch the side of her foot and fall flat on her face. Luckily she didn't take any big spills, but when she ran on concrete or equally hard surfaces I was a nervous wreck. So we went to see a physical therapist for a professional opinion. The PT agreed, she did turn her foot out slightly, and recommended inserts for her shoes which should fix the problem almost immediately. Ten weeks later they are finally here. Of course Flower's walking has also improved and she doesn't fall down nearly as much as she did two months ago....but we'll try them out anyway. Better to be safe than sorry.

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