Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We’re Patiently Awaiting His Arrival

Santa that is. As the girls get older we realize how important it is to teach them there is more to Christmas than receiving gifts. Christmas is, most importantly, a time to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. Flower is still a bit young to understand Christmas, but Princess needs to know that Christmas not about getting the best gift or the most gifts. So that’s my objective. I want to keep all the magic of Santa for the girls but I also want them to know how truly wonderful it is to give to others.

I need to come up with a game plan for next year but for now we’re trying to focus on making and giving to others. Last weekend we made fudge, caramels, cookies, and caramel corn. Flower thought caramel corn was the best thing she’d ever eaten, or at least that’s what it looked like as she was shoveling it in. We assembled some goodie bags for friends, co-workers and relatives to enjoy. Princess wasn’t sure about giving away so much of our treats, but in the holiday spirit she complied.

Princess and I are planning a scavenger hunt for Daddy on Christmas morning. I’m not very good when it comes to shopping for Daddy. He always thinks of wonderful things for me but I can never seem to find that perfect gift for him. Although this year I did get something he’s going to like. He’ll be surprise too because I had to do some leg work and ask his buddies to help me pick it out.

Santa came early for me this year. I won an iPod nano at a conference a couple weeks ago so I’m set. Princess asked Santa for a dollhouse….one with a round thing that makes the other thing go up….aka an elevator. Flower isn’t old enough to ask Santa for a gift so I suggested an inch worm to Princess and she told Santa on Flower’s behalf. Hopefully “Santa” will check the boxes tonight to make sure all the required parts were included in the boxes so assembly will be successful tomorrow.

That’s it for another year. I think we’re ready for the big day. Ho, ho ho! Merry Christmas! Happy holidays from our house to yours.

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