Thursday, December 18, 2008

We're Quarantined...

...or we should be. Just a quick note to let you know that if you were planning to stop by our house, don't. There has been a stomach bug going around and it finally found us. Princess showed us her skills in projectile vomiting last night and managed to shower Flower, me, the sofa, the love seat, decorate pillows, get the picture. Today we're just staying warm and trying to predict and confine bodily fluids to washable things around the house.


Homestead said...

Oh my. But aren't you glad you're not in a cabin in the 1800's.... 20 below, covered in vomit & washing bedding in a frozen creek???

Did that help?

kae said...

Ummm....not so much but I'm sure it will in a few days.

Seriously...projectile vomiting all over the ENTIRE living room. Flower took the first shot in the face and covered her pjs. 24 hours, a bottle of bleach, 2 showers, 10 loads of laundry later and I'm still getting whiffs of puke that I can't find.

Homestead said...

Oh lordy.... the whiff. I HATE that sensation.