Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Again

Where did the week go? This week was a blur to me. Nana was out of town all week and so was Dear Husband (just during the day) so I was in charge. I am very grateful for all the help I get from everyone and this week was just another reminder.

DH took Princess to school this morning so Flower and I are doing fun things like vacuuming. This afternoon we have music class and tonight Grandma and Grandpa are spending the night on their way through town.

Tomorrow DH and I are heading out of town for the weekend. A co-worker if DH’s is getting married so we decided to make a weekend trip out of it. The girls are going to spend the weekend with Nana and Papa. They are very excited about a sleepover at Nana and Papa’s house.

Keilie dog will spend the weekend being pampered at the animal clinic, which provides boarding. When I called to make her reservation a couple weeks ago the receptionist immediately recognized her….which I guess is good since we’ve sunk enough money into the clinic to get a wing named after us.

The receptionist starting typing to see what was available this weekend and was disappointed that only small kennels were available. She thought Keilie would prefer a large kennel (seriously, I’m on the other end of the phone in silence wondering how she knew this). She began typing again and told me she would do some rearranging and move a smaller dog so Keilie could have a large kennel. I thanked her, what else could I say?

Now I need to go get this place in shape so we can leave. DH “loves” it when I make him clean before we leave :) Have a great weekend!


Wanda, Melania & Mishayla said...

I laugh as a I read... Hope you have a super weekend, and Happy Birthday!

Homestead said...

I like that I'm not the only person who cleans the house before leaving on a trip.