Saturday, February 6, 2010

One of Those Days

Do you ever have one of those days when you have a list of things you need to do that is a mile long but you have absolutely no ambition to do anything? I think I am having one of those days.

First of all, I always have long list. I don’t have as many lists as Homestead, but I admit I’m a “lister” also. I imagine my list will end when I meet my maker, and not a day sooner.

Today I am blaming my lack of motivation on Dear Husband. He took yesterday off and that put a wrench in my schedule because it felt like Saturday. My usual Friday schedule is take Princess to school, come home and clean the floors (and maybe a bathroom if I’m moving really fast), pick Princess up from school, home for lunch, off to music class right after lunch, and then home again to crash because by then I am absolutely exhausted.

Yesterday DH took Princess to school and went to the office for a bit. Did you catch that? He took the day off but still went to work. Someone needs to explain the meaning of a day off to DH. Then he picked up Flower and I so we could run some errands before picking Princess up from school.

After school we went to Costco. If anyone needs anything from Costco go today. They are having Super Demo days and we ate so many samples we were too full to eat lunch. Then we headed home, dropped off the Costco stuff and DH, and the girls and I headed to music class. By the time we got home I didn’t feel like doing anything productive so I vegged on the couch.

Now I am avoiding a pile of laundry and a dirty floor. I do have to point out one positive thing about Keilie dog’s knee surgery. The floor stays much cleaner when she has to be chaperoned to go outside. So, I guess I’ll sign off, go read the newspaper, and start a load of laundry. Happy Saturday everyone and may you find motivation to do whatever makes you happy today.

1 comment:

Homestead said...

I accidentally had to go to Costco on Saturday to get a few Super Bowl items..... Usually I go during the week to avoid the crowds... it was a mad house but the samples were excellent and it was a social event. I was exhausted when I left from talking to so many people and I was really wishing I had dressed up or something.....