Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Keilie Dog....Again

Ok. So I just read Homestead's post today and what I am about to write seems almost trivial. Sweet Boy is already giving his mama gray hair and he is only five.

Keilie dog went back to the vet today for a follow-up. When they removed her splint it was still swollen and very warm. The vet said there are only two causes; trauma or infection. Since Dear Husband has been carrying Keilie around for the past 6 weeks due to the knee surgery we could rule out trauma. The radio graph confirmed there were no fractures. That left infection.

Septic joint. Ankle joint to be exact. The vet is perplexed. A bacterial infection in this joint is very rare, especially in a dog who has only been outside to do her business twice a day with a chaperon for the past two months.

A sample went to the hospital lab for analysis. Keilie dog had minor emergency surgery this morning to drain/scrape the infection. We have 20 days of a two high power antibiotics. Hopefully they will do their job quickly.

1 comment:

Carlye said...

Awwww...poor doggie! Hope she feels better quickly and hope you guys have Pet Insurance!!