Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Status Report – Project Binkie Elimination

I’m sure you’re all wondering how Flower is doing without her binkie. Well, we’ve been binkie-free for 12 days and I’m happy to report she is doing great. When I told her daycare provider, Miss S, she kicked the habit I found out she hadn’t been using her binkie for naps on occasion anyway so I guess Miss S was ahead of us.

Flower hasn’t even mentioned her binkie for days now so I think we are in the clear. She has been sleeping better as well. I knew once we got rid of the binkie she wouldn’t wake me up as often to search for it. Flower is still waking up once a night for a drink of water (another bad habit we need to work on), but she is also starting to snuggle under her blanket and go back to sleep on her own too.

On a totally unrelated subject, Princess says the funniest things while she’s sitting on the toilet. Just a minute ago she asked me to please be quiet, it’s hard to concentrate on going poo while someone is talking. Hmmm….I wonder who’s talking?

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