Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gross Me Out

With all the recent talk about the H1N1 flu I’ve been thinking about our bathroom habits. Before the 12 year old boy in your starts giggling, I’m talking dental hygiene.

Some might say I’m a bit of a germaphob. Is that a real word? My sister-in-law, who shall remain nameless, is much worse than I am, but I have my moments. Being the mother of two children has weakened my phobia. Heck, I just don’t have the time to sanitize every surface of our house and constantly worry about who is touching what when we are out and about. I figure life is too short and we need to build up our immune systems anyway.

Even though I’ve mellowed considerably, I still have a thing about toothbrushes. I just can’t stand the thought of my toothbrush, or anyone else’s for that matter, coming in contact with a surface other than teeth. Sometimes I just leave the room when Princess is loading her toothbrush with toothpaste because I can’t stand to see her lay it on the counter. I clean the bathroom regularly, but still….

This morning Princess was brushing her teeth and I was combing Flower’s hair. Princess finished and began to rinse the sink out. She has a thing about dried toothpaste in the sink….drives her crazy. She’s rinsing the sink trying to remove a spot of toothpaste and it wouldn’t budge. She reaches over, grabs her toothbrush, and starts using it to scrub the toothpaste out of the sink. I may have over-reacted just a tad when I shrieked “Don’t use your toothbrush to scrub the sink!!!” and frightened poor Princess. She burst into tears and I felt terrible. So we snuggled a bit and I calmly explain to her why it’s not a good idea to use your toothbrush for anything except brushing your teeth. I hope I didn’t do any permanent damage.

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