Friday, August 21, 2009

Drawing a Blank

I can't think of a title for this post. I'm tired. We're tired. I'm sick. We're sick. None of those sound remotely interesting. Accurate, but not interesting.

Last week the girls had vacation bible school every night so we were exhausted from late nights by the time Friday rolled around. Dear Husband picked up a nasty cold again so he was miserable all week and still is.

Last Friday DH had a major event at work. You can see it here. The girls and I got up before the sun and went to watch from a friend's house. Flower is still talking about the "Tacks falling mama, the tacks falling!"

Two AM Sunday morning Flower woke up and puked all over herself and her bed. DH and I cleaned everything up and Flower assured us she was fine and wanted to go back to bed. I should have known better. I crawled back in bed and didn't get the covers pulled up before she was screaming again. Round two and another set of sheets and blankets. By some miracle Princess didn't pick up the bug but I've felt a little off all week so I'm afraid I was unable to avoid it.

And finally, our biggest news. We got a piano yesterday. I have looked all over the internet and cannot find a photo if a similar piano so I guess I'll have to post one myself. A former co-worker is moving out of state next week and she was looking for a good home for their piano. They didn't want to move it and the used piano market is not so good right now. They figured if they were just going to give it away they wanted to give it to someone they liked. We were those lucky people.

The girls love it. I remembered I can play. Not well, but I can. I bought a few books and I've been plunking away. I'm not sure Princess is old enough for lessons yet but we'll see.


Wanda, Melania & Mishayla said...

Yea! A piano. What was our teacher's name in Inverness? Oh, yes, I think I remember. Mrs Stanleigh? Fun times. June (girls' nanny) is teaching in Helena on Thursday evenings, but I think Princess might still be a little young... It's funny how quick some kids pick it up though. This summer has gone by a bit fast for my liking. I've been here a year already, which I can hardly believe. We must talk soon. W.

kae said...

Stanleigh Barbie. I can't believe it's been a year already but time does fly. We get together some weekend so the girls can play.