Sunday, August 23, 2009

Buckleberry Diversion

It was supposed to be a fishing trip. We headed out Saturday morning with the poles and lunch in the cooler. Dear Husband wanted to take the girls fishing. He found a lake up in the mountains about an hour and a half from home. We got a late start and figured the campground would be full on a beautiful Saturday morning in August.

We were surprised to find the campground empty less one couple that was occupying the only decent spot. We doused ourselves in bug repellant and ate lunch. DH baited the poles with worms and we headed for the lake.

It was a beautiful little lake tucked up in the mountains, the only problem being 95% of the shore is private property and the water is about a foot deep on the 5% you can access from the campground. So DH hiked out into the lake to cast a few times because Flower want to go “fissin”. Princess reeled her line in a couple times before she realized there was a gross and disgusting worm on the end of it. After that she decided it was more fun to search for pretty rocks in the water.

After about 10 minutes of “fissin” it was evident we were not going to catch anything. We decided to pack it in and head for home. Maybe find a milkshake or ice cream cone along the way. There was more than one road to this lake and at the junction we decided to take the other way back to town. As we were driving along DH and I spotted some wild raspberry bushes that weren’t in season. Then we spotted the huckleberry bushes.

DH stopped and we jumped out and picked a handful. The girls thought the huckleberries were delicious. We continued down the road looking for more bushes. We found another little spot to pull off so we stopped and picked more. Flower kept yelling “Buckleberries, more buckleberries!” DH picked a few cups of berries while the girls and I ate whatever we could find. By the time we were done Flower had a purple ring around her mouth. We all had purple hands.

We finally hit the road again with a tupperware full of huckleberries to snack on. We skipped the milkshakes because the berries were much better. Princess is already making plans to return next year with buckets for everyone. No one even remembered we didn’t catch a fish.

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