Monday, October 5, 2009


Last weekend we decided to convert Flower’s crib into a daybed. Actually, convert probably isn’t the correct word. We didn’t bother to purchase the guardrail for the bed; we just put pillows on the floor so when she rolls out of bed her landing will be cushioned.

We have been talking about moving Flower to a regular bed for some time now. Flower will be three this spring and Auntie A will need the crib….she’ll need two cribs actually, but that’s her problem :)

I have been reluctant to give Flower the freedom to get out of bed at night, fearful of what she might get into before I hear her. Flower always needs something during the night. A drink of water, a different blanket, woof-woof, a Kleenex…you name it, she will think of it. My personal favorite was a couple weeks ago when she called for me to come in her room around 4:30 AM. Dear Husband was just getting up so he went in to check on her. A moment later he returns to our bedroom and tells me Flower wanted us to know she bumped her head and she’s ok. Thanks for the update kiddo.

Saturday night DH took Flower upstairs to start her bedtime routine. She hasn’t been allowing DH to get her ready for bed lately so he was trying to make her happy. All of the sudden I hear squealing and Flower is running around upstairs screaming about a big girl bed. I’m surprised she didn’t need a new pull-up after the excitement was over.

It has been two nights and Flower has not gotten out of bed, at night anyway. She did try to get up from her nap after about ten minutes yesterday. As I’m writing this I just realized that the light was on in her room this morning and the blanket I covered her up with last night was hanging on the end of her bed so she must have gotten up during the night. If she came out of her bedroom I didn’t hear her. Now I’m wondering what else she was up to last night. I think I’ll have Keilie-dog sleep outside Flower’s door tonight.

1 comment:

Carlye said...

Too funny! You might have to set up a video camera just to see what she does. Or get one of those Nanny cams. She's too cute!