Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Annual Tradition

Today is opening day for big game rifle season. Dear Husband embarked on his annual week long hunting trip with Papa, Uncle B, and a family friend. It’s a small crew this year. Papa has been taking this trip for years. I’m not sure of the exact number of years, but I think it’s pushing 30.

The guys look forward to their trip every year. I’ve never minded a week to myself but apparently Flower is opposed to DH going hunting. This is the second year in a row she has had a little intestinal bug when DH was hunting. In case you forgot, go read this.

Princess missed her daddy Friday night at bedtime but she seems to have moved on. She hasn’t given me any good one-liners like she did last year.

So rather than going to church this morning we’re watching cartoons and drawing pictures. Flower’s tummy seems to be better this morning but with all the junk going around right now I thought we should probably stay home rather than pass our bug around the nursery at church.

Speaking of all the stuff going around right now, I’m not sure what to think about the flu pandemic. We all got our seasonal flu shots. Flower is in the first group for the H1N1 vaccine but we missed the clinic last week because of bad information on the health department website and hot line. I’ve never visited our health department website until this year. So far I’m not impressed.

Last week I was a little concerned about the flu virus. I am trying not to buy in to the media frenzy even though 3 teachers at Princess’s school have the swine flu and four of her classmates were absent all week. We are trying to be vigilant about washing our hands, coughing in our elbows and following the other preventative measures.

Then I sit down with my coffee and the paper yesterday morning and see this. 6-year-old died from H1N1 A perfectly healthy child, no underlying medical conditions. I know the statistics, the flu (any strain) is serious and healthy people die from it every year. But it is just not fair. My thoughts and prayers are with the family who lost their son.


carlye said...

I went and read the quotes from last years blog. I like "I like Daddy more than pizza" and I forgot what Daddy looks like" LOL...too funny! Hope the girls stay healthy.

Homestead said...

I was going to do the H1N1 clinic at the fairgrounds... then the NP recommended against it.... because it is the nasal stuff... so a live virus... which we could shed and infect the baby.... which is what we are trying to avoid.

Now what?

Where did you find season flu vaccine? St Pete's is saying no more until mid-November.... you musta been on the ball earlier than I was....

We are also surviving the "week of the hunting." Hot is coming home every night tho. The kids and I are boogieing to movies he would hate... like "Hairspray."

kae said...

Carlye-so far so good, although Flower still has a little bug.

Homestead-we cut a rug to "Hairspray" the other night too :) We spent our afternoon at the fairgrounds and got the nasal mist....there's nothing like spending 3 hours in a building with 500 strangers....if we don't pick up something from that I'll be surprised.