Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good Morning Auntie C!

This one is for you! You are right, I have been a slacker. Not sure why, just very, very unmotivated to blog.

Some of the reason is work. It has been stressful lately and by the time I get home my brain is jello and I would be unable to compose a sentence (can't even write a very good sentence when my brain is fresh).

Most of the reason I haven't posted lately is because I can't think of anything interesting to write. We are still sick and I'm sure the Internet is tired of hearing me complain (and you've already heard it too). No one wants to hear me talk about ear infections, strep, and various viruses we can't seem to shake.

I pledge to post more. I will think of something funny today and post it tonight. I am sure Flower has said or done something you will enjoy. Princess lost her second top middle tooth yesterday so she has a inch gap and looks like great grandpa. Seriously :)

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