Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Grass is Always Greener....

Or in our case the apple is always better when it comes from your sister's bowl. It's snack time (a bad habit we started with Princess but that's another post) and tonight the girls are eating apples. I sliced, quartered, and then halved an apple (Princess prefers her apple in 8 pieces) and then sliced off a few edge pieces for Flower. Flower isn't quite ready for big slices of apples yet so I slice her pieces pretty thin so we can avoid an ugly choking incident.

The girls are sitting around their little table eating their designated apple slices and Flower wants the big slices that Princess is eating. I try to distract Flower but she's not buying it. Princess turns away from her bowl of apples to check out the football game on the TV and Flower sneaks around the table and snags a big apple slice from Princess....without being detected by Princess. There was a very mischievous twinkle in her eye and I'm sure that one slice of apple was the best slice Flower ate all night.

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