Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Week in Review

I know the week isn’t officially over yet, but it seems I like to wrap things up on Thursdays. I work four 10s so my work week is over and it’s a good time to post a status report, if you will.

Flower and Princess both have a cold. Princess has had a nagging cough for a few weeks that just won’t go away. She doesn’t really have any other symptoms and she only coughs occasionally so I haven’t worried about it much. Flower came down with a bad cold last Thursday night and she was pretty miserable on Friday and Saturday. I spent the better part of both days following her around the house with a Kleenex because every time she sneezed a big ball of snot shot across the room….well sort of.

By Saturday night I had caught Flower’s cold, even though I must have used a bottle of hand sanitizer after wiping her nose. Needless to say, we didn’t leave the house last weekend except for a trip to Nana and Papa’s for dinner Sunday evening. Side note: Grandma M roasted chicken with all the fixins’ and baked a peach cobbler….it was delicious!

We also made the mistake of watching The Wizard of Oz Saturday evening and Princess has been having nightmares all week. I was a little hesitant to let the girls watch it but when the munchkins started singing there was no going back. The girls were glued to the TV. Even when the witch appeared they didn’t seem frightened and normally if there is a scary part in a movie that Princess doesn’t like she will ask us to forward through it. But she was ok during The Wizard of Oz. I asked her a couple times if she wanted to forward the movie and she said she wasn’t afraid.

All week Princess has been waking up four or five times during the night thrashing around in her bed and yelling. I’ve tried to wake her but it’s useless. She’s talking like she’s mad, not scared, but when I ask her about it the next morning she doesn’t remember a thing. I’m not sure what to do (we’re definitely not watching The Wizard of Oz again for a few years) but I need to think of something soon. Princess’ room shares a wall with our bedroom and she wakes me up all night long. I need some sleep. So if anyone out there has a suggestion I would love to hear it.

Tuesday night we had tacos for dinner. Princess must be growing because she’s been eating two helpings of everything this week. Flower, however, not so much. I normally don’t inventory everything they eat because generally they eat well and I don’t worry about it. But that night Flower hadn’t touched a thing by the time we had finished our dinner. Princess decided she was going to feed Flower and proceeded to feed her everything on her plate and three more spoonfuls of taco meat. Princess made funny faces, flew the airplane full of food into the hangar and the girls giggled. It was pretty entertaining to watch as I cleaned up the kitchen and I was happy Flower went to bed with a full tummy.

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