Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? What I’m really asking is “Are you ready for Christmas?” because on Friday the Christmas frenzy will officially begin. I think I’m ready. I have a list; I’ve checked it twice, or three or four hundred times. I have a gift next to everyone’s name except for a couple of the cousins. (Auntie C, are you reading this?) I’m a list person so I enjoy this part of Christmas. I love making a list and marking things off….it gives me a sense of accomplishment.

Flower hasn’t quite caught on to Christmas yet, but she LOVES to open gifts so we’ll definitely have to dust off the video camera on Christmas morning. Princess remembers last Christmas vividly and has been fine tuning her list for a few weeks. I’m still trying to get her to nail down what she will tell Santa so Santa can start shopping. We’re having a little trouble trying to figure out what Flower would like from Santa since she doesn’t have a list. Last year Flower was a baby and Princess decided Flower wanted a teddy bear from Santa. Perfect. Santa loved that idea. I’ve been trying to get Princess to think of something Flower might like again this year but so far I haven’t had any luck.

We’re heading north to Grandma and Grandpa’s (and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa’s) for turkey day. This will allow Daddy to get in a few more days of hunting before the season ends. It will also provide ample opportunity for our dog to “meet” Grandpa’s new puppy. Our dog will be wearing her training collar so she’ll be on her best behavior all weekend. I can’t remember a time that our dog has been around a very young puppy so hopefully she will succumb to her maternal instinct and love the puppy….not confuse it with an appetizer.

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